
Inspiration and Ideas for Using Google Docs


Inspiration and Ideas for Using Google Docs



In this course we'll look at resources and ideas for integrating Google Docs into your work.

Course Content

    • Ideas and Inspiration Introduction

    • Ideas for Using Google Docs

    • Other Resources and Build your PLN

    • What do you want to implement?

    • Planning and Creating Introduction

    • What to Consider when Planning

    • What's your Plan?

    • Implementation and Reflection Introduction

    • Implementation and Reflection

    • Wrap Up from Jen

    • More Google Courses in EduSpark

    • Course Survey

    • October 20th Live Meeting

  • Meet the course producers


    Explore ideas for using Google Docs with those you work with.

    Try something new with Google Docs!

    Consider how Google Docs can best support your work.

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