Curriculum Boot Camp
Build Units So Good Students Run to Your Class! (even if you’re not sure where to start, lesson planning takes you way too long, and getting all of your students to listen at the same time is a Herculean effort)
Welcome Video
Lesson 1: Define Equity
Lesson 2: Equity in Pedagogy
Equity in Pedagogy Resources
Lesson 3: Equity in Curriculum
Lesson 4: Historically Responsive Literacy Framework
Lesson 1: Choosing Priority Standards
Lesson 2: Defining Mastery
Lesson 3: Mapping Out the Year
Mapping Out the Year Template
Lesson 1: Defining Quality Assessment
Lesson 2: Designing Your Project
Google Doc Planning our Project Template
Lesson 3: Curriculum Alignment
Lesson 1: Elements of a Unit Arc
Unit Arc Template Google Doc
Lesson 2: Outlining Your Unit
Lesson 1: Protocols 101
Lesson 2: Text-Based Protocols
Text-Based Protocols Resources
Lesson 3: Discussion Protocols
Discussion Protocols Resources
Lesson 4: Peer Feedback Protocols
Peer Feedback Protocols Resources
Lesson 5: Independent Learner Protocols
Independent Learner Protocols Resources
Lesson 1: Outline the Lessons
Outline the Lessons Resource
Lesson 2: Curating & Creating Resources
Lesson 1: Defining Differentiation
Lesson 2: Differentiating for Student Liberation
Differentiating for Student Liberation Resources
Lesson 1: Adjusting on the Fly
Adjusting on the Fly Resources
Lesson 2: Moving Forward
Moving Forward Resource
Bonus: Interdisciplinary Units
Interdisciplinary Units Resources
Bonus: Genius Hour
Genius Hour Resources
Course Rating (for impact) and Feedback Form
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