The Power of Connections
Professional Learning
Creating a Global Professional Learning Network
Lesson 1: We All Start Somewhere
Lesson 2: Take PLN the Next Step
Lesson 3: You have the POWER to Grow
Lesson 4: Finding Influencers to Take Connections to the Next Level
Lesson 5: Reflection
Lesson 6: Digital Citizenship
Lesson 7: Examples of avenues to connect
Lesson 8: Maximize live events
Lesson 9: Moving ideas into action
Lesson 10: Getting your voice out there
Lesson 11: Use your voice; positively
Lesson 12: Go make an IMPACT
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Too often, people connect to get "followers" or for some level of Edu-celebrity. This course will highlight areas the impact creating a Global PLN with others will have on you and your growth as an educator.
This course will examine tools to maximize your connections and grow as an educator. Tools such as Twitter, Voxer, EdCamp, Facebook and more, are the backbone for most Global PLNs.
A Global Professional Learning Network is an expansion of how educators learn - learning by connecting with others who have shared interests, ideas, and resources. This course will discuss specific methods, strategies, and structures to expand your reach in the field
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